درباره ما

A short profile of Izadi Law Office

The founder of Izadi Law Office, namely Mr. Bijan Izadi attorney at law and Legal Consultant, has obtained his practice license on 7.7,1979 from Central Bar Association of Iran and started his legal activities from Tehran the capital city of Iran since then. Whereas Mr. Izadi was teaching the subject of Private International Law generally and Conflict of laws specifically in various Iranian universities, the activities of Izadi Law office was redirected and re-oriented towards cases and claims initiated by the claimants and defendants who were nationals and citizens of various countries of the world. Such global activities of the office in Iran gave the adequate incentive to the concerned Iranian authorities to allocate and pose the onerous duty and responsibility of legal defense of Iranian interest in Iran – US Claims Tribunal on the shoulders of   the founder of the office in The Hague of the Netherlands as Iranian Representative of the claims, for a few years.

 The office is also a member of UNIDROIT as a famous and known International Forum for the Unification of Private Law and also the correspondent of that organization in Iran as per ruling and assignment of the governing council of that organization.

The office is a collaborator of the Max-Planck Institute for Foreign Private and Comparative Law of Hamburg .The founder of the office participate at the institute as guest scholar frequently. The office is also a frequent and permanent collaborator of International Development Law of Rome (IDLO) and members and partners of the office have frequently participated at the seminars and workshops formed   by the above said forum in Rome.

In the meantime the office, as a pioneer and may be sole legal office which deals with international cases in Iran,  consists  of a few expert, pundits and specialized officers and legal advisers  which one of the most notable camps of  their  activities is South East Asia in general and People Republic of China specifically. The possibility of office for sending Advocate Arash Izadi one of the most competent   Attorneys at Law and Legal Advisers of the office, to The People Republic of China for studying International Law and obtaining adequate knowledge regarding Chinese legal system, was a long stride towards mutual understanding and ease between legal system of China and activities of the office. We apply the moto and slogan of “China, is our expertise” in Iran with happiness and proud because we the members of the office, all love China as a Great civilization the same as the inveterate Iranian civilization. The Iranian government also support and endorses such a legal collaboration between the office and China as a whole, because the respected and eminent directors of the government   are of the opinion that the innocent and framed cooperation between two countries will be strengthen and underpin merely whenever, the competent and reliable private sector to be actively involve thereof.

 The working languages of the office are English, Italian and French. apart from Farsi which is the mother tongue and official language of Islamic Republic of Iran. Our future office director in China is ordered and mandated to learn Chinese language actively, at its earliest possibility.

The office, due to sincerity and expertise shown to Chinese authorities in Tehran  during various and numerous cases taken up and resolved for Chinese citizens introduced by Chinese Embassy in Tehran, is one the main and reliable collaborators of Chia Embassy in Iran ,the fact which can be quested, ask, verified and obtained from the Chinese  embassy in Tehran  directly.



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